We want to share with you our thoughts on business projections, cash management, small business, entrepreneurship, finance, startups, and business planning.

Gino Wickman spent many years consulting at small companies. He worked with thousands of businesses and every type of entrepreneur or business owner. In his experience he found that all small companies had basically the same problems. Regardless of their industry, they were all struggling with the same issues. Wickman grouped their problems into six areas: Vision, Data, People, Issues, Process and Traction. Since he knew most small business owners have never been to business school, he knew they didn’... [continue reading]

Most companies are facing trying times right now. Revenues have dropped suddenly and dramatically, and they certainly will stay at reduced levels for at least a short time, but maybe for longer. Companies are having to make decisions about cutting staff, reducing inventory, and reducing expenses. For most companies, these decisions are difficult to make because it’s not often we suddenly find ourselves in these very difficult situations – think 9/11 or the Great Recession. Most of us just aren’t prepared... [continue reading]

If you're an entrepreneur, you will probably at some point be forced to write the dreaded Business Plan. You'll need to raise money, either debt or equity, and the person giving you the money will want to see what your plans are. Why did I call the business plan "dreaded?" Just Google "I hate business plans" and you'll see what I mean. You'll see topics like, "10 Reasons Not to Write a Business Plan," and "Business Plans and Why I Hate Them," and "Why Business Plans are Worthless." Really makes you wa... [continue reading]

Meet a small business owner who is using our Growth tool exactly as it was designed to be used and who can speak to how helpful it is to her in running her business ... Judy Praska purchased a FasTest Labs franchise when she was in job transition and decided that she wanted to own her own business. She liked the product and was confident that with her strong networking skills she would be successful.   Judy attended a ProjectionSmart workshop because she wanted to learn more about business plannin... [continue reading]

You don’t want to be an accountant, and you don’t have to be one to run your own small business. You’ve got a bookkeeper to take care of your accounting, and you have a CPA to do your taxes. But in order to talk intelligently to your banker, your managers, or other small business owners, there are a few finance terms that you simply must understand. Don’t worry; these concepts are easy to understand when they are explained simply. In fact, you probably already understand them just from your experience... [continue reading]

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Five stars

"ProjectionSmart was very simple to use and helped me greatly understand what is needed and what it will take for me to start a business."
~ Kelsie, small business owner

Five stars

"ProjectionSmart was incredibly helpful in allowing me to process and display data from my future business in a way that was easy to both read and understand."
~ Joel, small business owner

Five stars

"Thank you for everything! ProjectionSmart was a great tool and an excellent learning experience! "
~ Jessica, Startup entrepreneur