We want to share with you our thoughts on business projections, cash management, small business, entrepreneurship, finance, startups, and business planning.

Bruce Roles is a mechanical engineer with a solid background at manufacturing companies in the rubber, concrete, and precision tooling industries. In his roles as Director of Operations he has developed extensive experience with Lean, ISO, Continuous Improvement, and EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System). When he found himself in transition in late 2019, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to his job search, networking extensively with people in the community with close ties to manufacturing companies. ... [continue reading]

What’s the difference between a forecast and a projection? I know that I often use those terms interchangeably. Does anyone care? Does it even matter? Yes, it does matter, or at least it can. There is a subtle but significant difference between a forecast and a projection. It probably won’t matter too much for your internal discussions, but if you’re talking to a professional like a banker or a potential investor, you should be clear on whether you’re presenting them with a forecast or a projection. ... [continue reading]

I recently listened to the Westwood One Podcast “Exploitation Economy” on the Prof G Show with Scott Galloway. Galloway interviewed Jim McKelvey, co-founder of Square and author of “The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time.” McKelvey offered some great insights into entrepreneurship. He said that when faced with a problem, copying is often the answer. If you’re faced with a problem, the first thing you should do is look around and see if anyone else has already so... [continue reading]

https://www.startups.com/library/expert-advice/what-is-a-startup-company In her great Startups.com blog from March of 2018, Emma McGowan talks to a number of entrepreneurs to answer the question, “So what is a startup, anyway?” To me the article really explains the essence of what it means to be a startup. Eric Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup methodology, defines a startup like this: “A startup is a human institution designed to create a new product or service under conditions of extreme unce... [continue reading]

Many people consider starting their own business at some point in their careers. The uncertainty in today’s job market is causing many people who would never have considered going out on their own to give the idea serious consideration. Famous TV Shark Mark Cuban recently told Inc. magazine said that this is the perfect time to start a business you love:  “Five to 10 years from now, we'll look back and there will be 30 businesses that were created where we'll say, 'Damn, why didn't I think of that? It... [continue reading]

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"ProjectionSmart is an incredibly valuable tool for anyone looking to start their own business. It gives a great layout of the trajectory of your business based on the numbers you provide. If you want to remove a lot of the unknown and confusion that comes with starting your own business, I definitely recommend using ProjectionSmart!"
~ Brady, Entrepreneur