We want to share with you our thoughts on business projections, cash management, small business, entrepreneurship, finance, startups, and business planning.

Bob and I recently had the pleasure to be on The New World of Work podcast with Cat Breet. Our topic was “Will Your Business Succeed?” As Cat said: “Money. As a small business owner, it’s at the top of your “gotta have it” list. The #1 reason for small business failure is that they just can’t bring in enough revenue. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to you! ProjectionSmart is a remarkable little tool to help you see – with absolute clarity – what adjustments you need to make in your business to mak... [continue reading]

I often talk with my clients about their financial statements, and I’ve learned that most people think about profit and loss in terms of cash. They say things like, “We had a great month because we got paid $50,000 from our best client,” or, “This was a bad month because we had to pay lots of bills.” In other words, they think that their income statement should reflect when they get paid and when they pay their bills. That’s what we call the cash basis: Nothing happens until cash changes hands. That m... [continue reading]

In a recent article in Inc., Martin Zwilling wrote an article called “9 Success Principles to Supercharge Your New Business Venture.” Although he talks about how to start a company that will make you the world’s next billionaire, I think these principles apply equally well if you’re considering something equally admirable if slightly less ambitious, like starting a local business or setting out to earn a living as a solopreneur.                                           Zwilling says not to be blinded ... [continue reading]

At ProjectionSmart we posted a blog on May 5 in which we quoted Mark Cuban as saying that this is the perfect time to start a business. Cuban said that lack of capital is not an issue because you should be bootstrapping anyway, and you should start with just a small step. You theoretically have more time on your hands now, so you could use that extra time to take a small step toward starting your dream business. Well, on the Business 2 Community website last month, Joseph Chukwube wrote an interesting... [continue reading]

I talked recently with an entrepreneur who said that he feels like he understands the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement. I said, that’s great, but what about the Cash Flow Statement? He looked at me with a completely blank expression and asked, what’s that? He said he’s not familiar with the Cash Flow Statement and never runs it as a part of his month end financial review. Profit is not the same as cash! The Cash Flow Statement is the most important of the financial statements, but it’s also... [continue reading]

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""ProjectionSmart is simple and effective. You’ve taken a huge weight off me. I was in the middle of the ocean, and you threw me a life preserver. Thanks, ProjectionSmart!”"
~ Nic, Small Business Owner

Five stars

"Simple and effective product for creating your financial projections!"
~ Elijah, Entrepreneur

Five stars

"ProjectionSmart was incredibly helpful in allowing me to process and display data from my future business in a way that was easy to both read and understand."
~ Joel, small business owner