We want to share with you our thoughts on business projections, cash management, small business, entrepreneurship, finance, startups, and business planning.

Here's a great article on doing the financial projections you need for a business plan. The author breaks down the process exactly like ProjectionSmart does. You can find the original article here. Writing a Business Plan—Financial Projections Spell out your financial forecast in dollars and sense By Daniel Richards Updated April 13, 2019 Creating financial projections for your startup is both an art and a science. Although investors want to see cold, hard numbers, it can be difficult to p... [continue reading]

I met with a small business owner this week. He’s in the apparel business. His business is just a couple of years old, and it has yet to turn a profit. While there has been some organic growth, the growth hasn’t been fast enough. He has been forced to put lots of money into the business this year, and he feels it’s time to make a decision. He says his options are: (1) make the additional effort to add customers to get to the point where it’s breaking even, (2) add new products that will increase sales to... [continue reading]

Over the last eight years I have presented over 550 times a free seminar at Workforce Centers called “How to Start a Successful Small Business.” In these seminars I always ask what the participants think the failure rate is for businesses in their first 12 months of operation. Usually the answers range from a high of 90% to a low of 20%.  So what is the real answer? First off, if you Google “failure rates of new businesses” there are over 67 million responses. When looking at the first ten pages you f... [continue reading]

I'm working with a small, family-owned manufacturing company. For a number of years they had been suffering from declining sales, and like a lot of companies, they just didn't do anything about it. They just assumed that the situation would get better all by itself. Then they began to see that they were running out of cash. Still they didn't do anything right away. Finally, when they were at the end of their rope, they reached out to me for help. I went in and assessed the situation and realized that ... [continue reading]

A business projection is not an accounting tool. It's a management tool. Whether you're starting a business or your business has been around for a while, understanding the numbers of your business is critical to your success. I've asked many entrepreneurs how they know it's the right time to expand their business or whether they can afford to hire a new employee. Their answer worries me because it's usually a shoulder shrug followed by, "I just go with my gut." You've got too much riding on your busin... [continue reading]

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"ProjectionSmart makes it easy to create your business plan and find out if you have any shortcomings or need to reevaluate your plan."
~ Parker, startup entrepreneur

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"ProjectionSmart has given me more confidence to open my own business after seeing the numbers being crunched and what it will take to breakeven and make profits."
~ Dylan, small business owner

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"I have very few clients who couldn't benefit from using ProjectionSmart!"
~ Shawn, Commercial banker