We want to share with you our thoughts on business projections, cash management, small business, entrepreneurship, finance, startups, and business planning.

It’s not easy being a small business owner. They have to handle every aspect of their business, serving as CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, CRO, CHRO, and CxO. Of course, small business owners can’t possibly be experts in every aspect of their business. Furthermore, in order to grow their business, they simply must delegate some critical tasks to a competent professional. So they need people they can trust to carry some of the burden and to advise them in the areas of the business where they lack expertise. ... [continue reading]

The new ProjectionSmart is here!                                                                                   We kept the best part about ProjectionSmart unchanged: ProjectionSmart is still so simple that anyone can use it!   The Process There is only one program now for both startups and existing companies, and you can choose 12 or 24 months for your projection. We’ve improved the look and feel and streamlined the flow between screens, and we made sure to keep the same, easy-to-follow 1... [continue reading]

You’re just a few days away from seeing the new ProjectionSmart! We kept the best parts of ProjectionSmart unchanged. ProjectionSmart remains your monthly roadmap to financial success. We help you look forward with your financials, not just backward! You’ll make more informed decisions when you see your future and understand the numbers of your business. You’ll still find these great features: Import your history from QuickBooks Online Generate a full business projection in just minutes ... [continue reading]

It's been a while since you've heard from us, but we have big news coming in the next few days. We've been busy improving ProjectionSmart. We've made it more streamlined and kept the same great simplicity that you have told us you like. ProjectionSmart will help you see your future and understand your numbers better than ever. Stay tuned for more ...   [continue reading]

In 1995 Michael Gerber wrote the classic business book The E-Myth. The “E” stands for entrepreneur and is not a reference to anything digital. Gerber’s Entrepreneur Myth goes like this. You have some incredible skill, something that you really enjoy doing and which you are really good at. The book uses the example of a woman who is a fabulous baker. She has learned her trade very well, she makes great pies, and her employer sells lots of her pies. Over time this woman suffers what Gerber calls the En... [continue reading]

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Five stars

"As someone with little business experience, ProjectionSmart took the fear out of creating a business plan. It helped make the numbers easy to understand and surprisingly fun!"
~ Elizabeth, entrepreneur

Five stars

"ProjectionSmart was very simple to use and helped me greatly understand what is needed and what it will take for me to start a business."
~ Kelsie, small business owner

Five stars

"I've started a few businesses, and for the last three I ran my ideas through ProjectionSmart to help me make a go/no-go decision. Without that initial review of what the future might look like, I wouldn't have known which ones were a good use of my time and which ones were a bad use of time. ProjectionSmart guided me to the right decisions. It's easy to use and a fantastic product."
~ John, serial entrepreneur