Manage Multiple Companies at ProjectionSmart
Jun 15, 2020 by Roger Scherping
We’re excited to announce that ProjectionSmart users can now manage multiple companies under their one ProjectionSmart account. Our customers had been asking for this ability, and we rolled it out on on June 6.
This means that you only need one ProjectionSmart account to manage all of your ProjectionSmart companies. This new feature will help ProjectionSmart accounting professionals who want to manage projections for their multiple clients using just one login, as well as entrepreneurs who want to model different business concepts before launching their new venture.
You can even have both Startup and Growth companies on your one ProjectionSmart account.
Paid ProjectionSmart users will see a new “Manage Companies” item on their Settings menu.
Clicking on “Manage Companies” will bring you to the Manage Companies page.
On the Manage Companies page you can see all of your ProjectionSmart companies, including their type (Startup or Growth), the date your projection begins, your progress with the company, and the last time you made any changes to your company. You can also edit the name of the company using the pencil next to the current name.
At the bottom of the page is the Add a Company button. Hitting the Add a Company button brings up a company name box, and then you just select Growth or Startup and hit the Add button.
You’ll be taken to the payments page, and that’s all it takes to add an additional company to your ProjectionSmart account!
The Manage Companies page now shows both of your ProjectionSmart companies. You can switch between them easily by clicking on the icon in the Switch To column.
The Manage Companies page also has a button that says Manage Subscriptions.
The Manage Subscriptions page first shows all of your Startup companies with the date their memberships expire. Then it shows you all of your Growth companies and the date of your next recurring billing. You can also unsubscribe any of your Growth companies just by clicking the Inactivate box. For inactive companies, we’ll stop billing you at the end of that company’s current billing cycle.
And that’s all there is to it! As with everything we do at ProjectionSmart, we tried to keep it simple.
We hope you find this new feature useful. Please email me with your thoughts.
Tags: manage, companies, subscriptions