Bob and Roger -- Back by Popular Demand!
May 18, 2020 by Roger Scherping
The Minneapolis office of SCORE (the Service Corp of Retired Executives) reached out to us at ProjectionSmart recently. They asked us to do a webinar on business planning to get people to take at least that first small step toward starting a business.
So here we are again. Join Bob and me for a live webinar on Wednesday, May 27 from 9-11 am. We’ll show you how ProjectionSmart can help you plan your startup. Remember that startups that plan are 50% more likely to succeed!
In the webinar we’ll review our tools for the entrepreneur: Proof PlanTM and Startup financial model.
Instead of spending hours writing a complex business plan, why not focus on the three areas that bankers and investors care most about:
- How do you make money? Is your business model financially sound? Are your projected sales achievable? Are your margins adequate to cover your overhead?
- How do you get new customers? Who are your target customers and how do you know they will buy? What proof do you have that the tactics that you will use to reach them will be successful?
- Who is on your team? Who is leading the business and its key areas? What proof do you have that they can lead their areas?
Does your new business concept make sense financially? Will you make money? Is your pricing high enough to turn a profit? Can you pay yourself what you need? With Startup, any entrepreneur can prepare a complete financial model of their business in just three simple steps, and we’ll give you a full set of financial projections that will show you whether your new business concept is financially viable.
Remember that at ProjectionSmart we speak your language! You don’t need to understand accounting or use a spreadsheet. Our tools are easy-to-use and will walk you right through the process.
You can click here to learn more and sign up for our webinar.
We hope to see you on the 13th! Email me if you have any questions.
Tags: SCORE, startup, Proof Plan